Fr. 17.11.2023

riconoscersi attimi sospesi di fragilità in divenire disturba

Digitale Ausstellung, Der Vierte Raum der Frappant Galerie

This multimedia exhibition tells a visual and auditive story, mostly metaphorical, which uses and combines various media, as well as supports, in an attempt to tear the veil of the obvious in order to probe the inner abysses of the human being and investigate its fragility. It is an invitation to embark on a journey, it is a way to go throughout the existential labyrinth. Its purpose is to expose and disarm the viewer which, getting lost, can rediscover his own negative capability: stay in uncertainties, mysteries and doubts without being impatient to arrive at facts and reasons.
Künstler:innen: Riccardo Androni

Eröffnung: 17. November 2023
Ausstellungsdauer: 17.11.-31.12.2023
Öffnungszeiten: 24/7 (rund um die Uhr)
Ort: Der Vierte Raum der Frappant Galerie,


Ort: Frappant Galerie