Sculpt a pied into a player
Fr. 06.08. bis So. 15.08.2021

Sculpt a piece into a player

Medienkunst, Objekte Installation

Simon Miné Koza, Jakob Sitter, Julia Wolkenhauer

„Sculpt a piece into a player» is a group exhibition between Julia Wolkenhauer, Jakob Sitter, and Simon Miné Koza that utilizes digital technologies, materiality, and spatiality to explore the ongoing relationship between inhabitants, agents, users, visitors and their surroundings. Interested in infrastructure space, the artists present different positions where space might be a by-product of the contemporary necessities of digitalisation, marketing, or a playground for various inhabitants. This space is a reflection upon nature, technologies, and the environments it provides. Digitality is part of our new reality: it provides an infrastructure that might autonomously grow and develop while potentially, at the same time, be restrictive and calculated. The exhibition features three cross-space installations, exploring diverse experiences and interactions.

Eröffnung: FR. 6. August 2021, 19 Uhr

Ausstellungsdauer/Öffnungszeiten: 7.-15. August 2021, geöffnet Sa+So 14-19 Uhr

Weitere Infos:

Ort: Frappant-Galerie